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My Mango Story

In 2022, Mike at Bearing Fruit Tropicals encouraged me to start selling mangoes through a Facebook page called Fruit 4 sale.  I enjoyed the experience of educating people on the many flavors of mangoes I could offer.  If all you have ever eaten was a store bought mango then you have not had a great mango.  Let me explain it this way, is McDonald's representative of a good hamburger? Providing premium mangoes was a pleasant change from teaching middle school.  Unlike middle schoolers, mango customers appreciated the product I provided.  The process of educating, selling and shipping mangoes all over the country was exciting.  With the small success of the 2022 mango season, I decided to take my passionate hobby to the next level and create Backyard Mangoes.  I teamed up with a retired teacher that also has great mangoes. Between our two properties here in Palm Beach County, we offer many excellent varieties. One property focuses on classic Florida flavors and the other property has many international mangoes along with newer Zill varieties.  We enjoy taking care of our trees, watching them produce high quality fruit and ultimately making incredible fruit available for your pleasure.

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